Bildungsförderung Oberguinea e.V.
As every year, 100% of the sale of these calendars will be used to enable more girls from Fodecariah and Balimama to go to school up to secondary school. A calendar in DIN A3 format with motifs from Fodecariah costs 20 EUR. (5 EUR for the production and 15 EUR donation) If you are interested, please contact Mrs Clémot to request single or multiple copies.
Against the background of a guinea made of garbage and scrap, between rusty tin roofs and plastic, the Guinean music scene is becoming more and more professional and rhythmic; modern music in the national language, emerging from its rebellious beginnings to inspire the whole world to dance..

In a more traditional way and deeply rooted in the Malinké culture, there are still these 2 young music stars: The best Cora player is an international celebrity: Racheal M: A singer and dancer from Uganda, gives hope to Guinean ghetto kids: And not least the young dancer Sherrie Silver:
Every year in autumn, used children's clothes and toys are sold cheaply at flea markets in the Baden-Württemberg region. Today Felix has bought some nice games for us, cars, stuffed animals, wooden games etc. Since he unfortunately did not find any Lego bricks there, he would like to continue searching for these colorful bricks among his circle of friends and acquaintances, so that the children in the Fodecariah children's house can live out their creativity.
Mr Souleymane Kaba has been the new head of our secondary school since October 2019. He is the director of the Kankan Prefecture (DPE/KANKAN), reporting in Mr Morlaye Condé. He replaces our former director, Mr Sambou Camara, who was transferred to a secondary school in Kankan. Mr Kaba was born in 1965 in Kankan and lives in Karifamoriah. Before Fodecariah he was the headmaster the Gbérédou/ Baranama secondary school.

His main tasks are the implementation of the national education plan for the student education in Fodecariah, the Supervision of the teachers, as well as the administrative and financial management of the secondary school. At the beginning of the school year and at the beginning of our activities, we met with Mr Souleymane Kaba for an interview. Some students and the members of the Coordinating Committee of the School Council of the School of Fodecariah-Balimana, also participated. To this end, Mr. Kaba kindly answered some questions from our friends Karifa Condé (9th grade) and Kadiatou Doumbouya (10th grade).

Où sont passées les reformes engagées par le Ministre Ibrahima Kalil Konaté (K²) ?

Mr. Aboucabar Diakité has been the newly assigned headmaster of Fodecariah Primary School since the start of school in 2019. He is responsible to the prefectural director of Kankan (DPE KANKAN), Mr. Morlaye Condé. He replaced our former director, Mr. Daffé, who was transferred to a secondary school near Kankan.
Mr. Diakité was born in 1975 in Kankan. Before Fodecariah, he was director of the Bakonko-Cissela primary school. He reports to the education authorities of the Kankan Prefecture, namely: the Primary School Commissioner (DSEE) and the Prefectural Director of Education (DPE).
It is his responsibility to ensure the proper functioning of the school and the correct application of the laws and internal regulations.

During our 2nd meeting with the educational authorities of our district at the beginning of the school year 2019-20, we met Mr. Diakité Aboubacar, the new director of the primary school Fodecariah. He was willing to give us his time to answer some questions. These questions were asked by our friends Nana Doumbouya and Mandjou Doumbouya, both students of the 10th grade. The photos were taken by Nantenin Diabaté, students of the 9th grade.

The festival Tabaski
This religious feast ends Ramadan after 2 months and 10 days. The families meet and sacrifice a sheep.

The feast at Fodecariah
This year our partners of ONG ADEBA from Conakry organized a bus to Fodecariah. With the surplus money we bought a threshing machine for the youth in Balimama to process rice. As a thank you, young farmers want to donate some bags of rice as a reserve for the school canteen.
As the pictures show, the project is progressing!

Seeing construction and equipment of the playground: Mr. Doumbouya expects the plans and proposals of the client in October

The results of the secondary school leaving certificate in Fodecariah
Number of registered students: 44, including 3 girls
   Only 18 students passed the exam. Unfortunately, there was no girl among them. The pass rate is 40.90%.

The examination results of the primary school
Number of registered Students: 30
Only 6 students passed the exam.
The success rate is only 20%. This is a very bad basis for the education of the 7th grade of our secondary school!

The regional success rate for Kankan is 42.17%. Read more in French: Résultat de l’examen d’entrée en 7è année : Kankan enregistre 42% du taux d’admission

The national success rate is 44,11%.

A big thank you goes this year to the Michaelis parish of Blankenloch and to the Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium Stutensee. The Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium Stutensee helped us in July with a fundraising campaign in which students of the TMG collected and donated several boxes full of toys, cuddly toys and clothes. The Michaelisgemeinde Blankenloch also supported the association with a donation of 954 EUR, which was collected during this year's confirmation.
Hella and I have again offered our "Action Week for Fodécariah". We carried out various actions with the students: Upcycling-Workshop, visit of the World Shop in Marburg, research about our partner school in Fodécariah (info). On the last day, the students organized a sales stand and prepared and baked various delicacies and then sold them during the breaks. We collected a total of 121,35 Euro and want to donate the money.
Constructive and intensive discussions shaped this Assembly. Exhausted but in a good mood, the participants gathered in the evening sun at the end of the day.

13.00 14.30 BERICHTE

  • Delegation (Ester reports 15-20 Min)
  • Reports:  (40 min)
    • ADEBA and the Anti-Corruption Committee, 
    • Volontary work Oumar and Martha
    • Secondary school in Fodecariah with 13 teachers 
    • Library 
    • Computer science room
    • Canteen
    • Promoting girls
  • Planning of the youth centre (15 min)
  • Planning of 2 training courses ( 5 min)
  • Cash report (5 min)
  • Approval of the actions of the Management Board (3 min)
14.30 - 15.00 BREAK (Coffee & Cake)

15 -17.00 PLANNING

  • Better furniture (tables and chairs) for the secondary school and grammar school?
  • Visit of a health station in the capital Conakry (Martine 5 min)
  • Evaluation of the interview with Dr Lamah in Fodecariah (Bettina )
  • Bettina and Hedwig bring the pros and cons for a health station in Fodecariah
  • Discussion
  • Decision whether we should submit a BMZ application to build and install a health station in 2020?
  • How many new girls will be included in the programme?
17.00 - 17.30 BREAK 

17.30 - 18-30 

  • New members
  • New election for the next 3 years term 2019-2022 (Members only)
18.30- 19.00 Clearing up together

19.00 Dining together in Blankenloch

This year we are looking for more toys to give away:

  • Legos, Legos, Legos
  • Memory
  • Cars
  • Puppets & Cuddly toys
  • Bobbycars
  • Tricycles
  • Scooters & pedal-scooters
  • Radios
  • Juggling
I've known for a long time that the Guineans tease about the Malinké Klan culture with a lot of fun and enthusiasm. "Keita" is known as the "Klan of Kings" because Soundiata Keita built the empire in 1250. Because I am also a Keita, and this clan is poor today, I am regularly provoked by famous disputes of my ancestors.

Although 90% of the Guineans are Muslim, I observe that the white and black magic of the Grigris is still very present. Everyone lives with the fear of being transformed by evil enchantment. There is even a soap to protect yourself from it. Mohamed supposedly doesn't believe in it. But he only goes to the eerie village of his ancestors with a slice of lemon as protection against evil, just as garlic is used against vampires!

What was also new to me, however, was that each village had its own secret brotherhood. Novices are only allowed to join with the consent of their mother. These novices learn for years with the help of a master to live according to the 42 laws of Maât. In secret, the young novices are taught to recognize themselves and their ancestors from the invisible world. They also learn to deal with the effect of plants, to discover and master their own gifts and special powers.

More about this in the book „Les Chemins de la Maât“ by Doumbi Facoly

Otherwise it is also worthwhile to have a look at the toads at Mont Nimba. The special thing about these tiny toads is that they do not lay eggs, but are 9 months pregnant and give milk. This seems to be unique in the world.... but also try to find out in advance when they are in hibernation! You should also take your time to visit the 2 towns of Nzérékoré and the palm production in Lola.

We also met a curious chimpanzee in Guinea.

Martha F. came to Fodecariah at the beginning of December for 3 months. She would like to use her knowledge in the areas of finance and management to conduct an entrepreneur game with young local people.
She will develop business ideas with the young people, carry out a market analysis and create a product concept. The amount of start-up capital required will also be determined.
Mini-productions are then carried out to test the product and optimise it so that it can be sold on local markets at fair prices.
Finally, a balance is drawn up between income and expenditure, and an initial rough investment plan is developed.

Martha has carried out 6 entrepreneurial projects. Here you can find out more details!

We visited 3 villages (Balandou, Kignéro and Dalaba) from the Balimana agglomeration with the doctor, the head of our secondary and advanced secondary school and our project manager. Our aim was to get to know the community and to sensitize and encourage people to send their children to our secondary and advanced secondary school.

The doctor, Mr Lamah, also took the opportunity to ask the inhabitants to have their children vaccinated. He also publicly addressed basic hygiene measures, such as washing hands before eating. More about our round trip (PDF). Here a Video impression of our trip.

I know that Guinea is a rich country: it is the largest exporter of bauxite (necessary for the production of aluminum), owns the largest iron mine in the world (Mont Nimba), and has many gold and diamond mines. I have heard since the beginning of our school project that young people from the surrounding area prefer to look for gold rather than go to school. We all finally wanted to visit a gold mine... More about our gold mine visit (PDF). Here a Video impression of the gold mine.
Nele H., the daughter of an SAP colleague who supports us regularly, convinced her graduation year 2018 to hand over the donation of the final ball to our club, so that the children and young people from Fodecariah Balimama get better learning conditions.

On behalf of all members of our association and all 18.000 inhabitants of Fodecariah & Balimama we would like to thank you very much. Thus we will hand it over to Oumar Keita as the salary of a teacher (200 EUR per month), who will be the volunteer for the IT room (the heart of the secondary and advanced secondary school).
As a little "Thank you" (Photo) e gave the class a present. We wish Nele and her Abitur class every success in their commitment to a better world, and continue to have the courage to ensure a more sustainable and just world.

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